Rina Didovsky Ay"d äé"ã

On Friday, 8.12.00, 11th of Kislev 5760, Rina Didovsky, a wife and mother of six, left her home to school where she worked as a teacher. Unusually, that morning, Rina drove in a non-armored car, which was not recommended in her area. She was in a hurry to arrive at her classroom on time.

Terrorists' bullets hit Rina's vehicle and took her life.
Chaim Didovsky, Rina's husband and the owner of the news agency "Hakol Mehashetach", arrived at the murder scene in order to report the dramatic event.
At this time, Chaim was unaware that he was reporting the death of his wife.

After mourning his wife, Chaim and his six children moved to live in Elkana. There began their struggle of adjusting to life without a wife and mother.

The news agency "Hakol Mehashetach" was renamed
"Kol Rina" – "The Voice of Rina" in memory of Rina Didovsky.

Shortly after Rina's death, Chaim began to paint as part of his rehabilitation. With paintbrushes and colors he brings beautiful paintings to life,
artworks which have received excellent reviews from professional artists.

In his paintings here are many Jewish characteristics and landscapes of Israel.

In addition to Israelis who are impressed by Chaim's outbursts of creativity, Jews throughout the Diaspora are intrigued as well.

The "Kol Rina" Foundation has taken on itself to spread Chaim Didovsky's enchanting paintings and in this way help Chaim and his children cope with their new way of life.

An honorable percentage of the profits
are donated to children who are victims of terror attacks in Israel.


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